Clair BrettJan 18, 2022One Author's Bucket ListIt’s bucket list time. This week we are all creating a bucket list of things we want to see, do, or accomplish, I’m going with in the...
Clair BrettJan 11, 2022It Started with a Bad EndingIt all started with a bad ending. I have always loved writing. I have stories saved that I wrote on summer vacation when I was in third...
Clair BrettJan 4, 2022Big Plans for 2022And just like that it is 2022! Happy New Year! I know most of us are a bit cautious considering the past two, but there is no way to...
Clair BrettNov 16, 2021Characters do Surprise AuthorsToday’s topic is so exciting. All authors have their own processes some need to have a detailed outline down to each scene that they...
Clair BrettMay 18, 2021What's That Smell?Scent is to me one of the most important senses we have, because it can connect some many things to one smell. I can walk into a room and...