Happy 2020! Are you sick of hearing that yet? I’m getting a bit sick of it myself, but yet here we are. Being a 70’s baby I’m having a time wrapping my head around it. My house will be paid off next year, I never thought that would happen!
Like most people every year I reflect and consider what the previous year was like, then I try my best to forge a plan for a better ‘next year’. I used to be very specific and I would announce my resolutions at midnight, hoping that the magic of the hour would put some good mojo into the mix. It never worked. By March I hadn’t lost the weight, or finished the book, etc.
Don’t get me wrong I still make plans and write down my goals, but instead of treating all my desires like a wish from a birthday cake, I spend time making a plan for how it will happen, at least for my business. I’m still

hoping there is a weight loss unicorn out there and I’ll find it someday.
Last year I chose to have a word guide my existence. The word was Stability. I was coming off a decade of big changes and life swings. All I wanted out of life last year was to be able to know what was around the next corner. For the most part I accomplished that, and I also was able to create a more stable environment for my business. I am writing on a regular schedule, and I don’t put a manuscript away for… well, let’s not say how long, before I take it out to edit it.
This year I am hoping to build on the momentum I found in 2019. My word that is driving me in 2020 is Abundance. I want to see abundance in everything about my life. What does that look like? Well, as one would expect it looks like more money, but it also looks like more published works, it is setting up challenges to push what I can do, and who I am. I am only a week

into 2020, and already life is trying to take a whack at my goals, but along with abundance, I have been forced to see what I already have. Gratitude is a huge part of abundance in my mind.
Yes, the kids and family can drive me crazy when I am trying to work on my business, but I have a family to drive me crazy. I have been blessed with a supportive husband who lets me work on this crazy author business, instead of going out and earning a regular paycheck. I could go on, but when you are thinking about abundance you have to think about gratitude. It all fills the well, and if we thought about all that we don’t yet have it would make reaching for our goals more difficult, because we would think it not as possible.
So, I encourage you to consider abundance in your life in 2020, don’t forget all those things you have from all those other decades that helped you grow and become the person you are now.
If you love free stuff, shoot over to my book pages where you can read chapters of my books for free! And check back for upcoming releases! https://www.clairbrett.com/home

Now hop over to see what Brenda Margriet has in store for this new year! One thing she has for her readers is a sale! Mountain Fire, a romantic suspense is on sale now until January 15th, for .99